Monday, August 29, 2011

Relations-thing, is eating me

OK, I have a problem., there are some stuff that seem so simple to some people but it is so freaking complicated to me. One of those things is the relatives' relations or so called the family tree, when it comes to these relations , my mind stops working, I feel that the crack in my mind is in the same exact region which is responsible for this skill , if it was a skill.

I noticed that in the funeral of my father's uncle (the brother of my grandmother) . when he died I discovered that this man was the uncle of my aunt's husband (my dad's brother -in-law ,also his cousin ) confusing huh?..I really don't know . Is that only in my family?..

so my little brother asked me what is the relation between my grandmother and my this person? o.k the answer was so clear that they are brother and sister LOL...just that easy, well it is easy now cause i found my way to you to make you understand.

so I looked at him and couldn't answer and if something that I really hate is not answering my little brother's questions so I told him keep this ques.,I will be right back.

and I went to the bedroom closed the door , brought a white sheet and a pen and I started to get all relations on paper, I found some interesting stuffs , *thank God my father and mother aren't related that was going to complicate everything*

then my paper was in my hand , found all I needed to tell him the exact answer.

OK fine I have problem when it comes to relations, I wonder why is it so blur to me?!

From things that truly impressed me

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Beyond the limitless

-Only one word can hold between its first and last alphabet more than one meaning, by a meaning i don't mean a noun, a verb, an adjective comes from the same exact word.
I mean a word with it accessories , another and so on...
-Broader than this meanings , the results will be probably doubled on the level of different accents , the same exact alphabets with different tones comin out.
see? it is actually broader than what people might understand.
so that was the grammar-vocabulary level, on another level one can hear or read a word, another one with the same age hears the same word, with the same accent, in the same exact sentence.
But they are getting different meanings , according to their knowledge and experiences.
Example: The common one is the word ''LOVE" , when one hears this word he start to think of all the bitterness he went through, to another it is a sign of joy, to a third it is marriage in his culture, responsibility,fallacy.
-the word isn't changing but the link between words is what giving it its meaning. and we will probably getting double the results if the two persons were different ages. with a whole different view and depth of thinking.
Are you getting this? Circles among circles of meanings can be brought to you but still it is limited.
One can't read the word happiness to understand misery, there are some meaning links that are just not there.

-silence, I will have to describe this word either very limited OR limitless.
As it seems to have only one clear meaning in all accents , in all languages, in all kingdoms .Even animal's ones, as I referred to this , I'm also obliged to refer that this word's meaning can't be shallow. It can't be, I'll talk for myself
-When I'm thrilled , it appears all over my face , anyone can see this state all over my glances, all over my tiny movements, then beyond than i remain silent , this pure silence as finally i don't have to talk to feel better.
(like he said : it is only when someone is really happy he doesn't need to sleep, because his reality is finally better than his dreams..OK he said when one is in love but to prove my point.)
-When I'm sad, these moments when you feel that everything is falling apart, i remain silent .
-silence between lovers : is passion.
-silence between a husbad and wife : can be boredom :D
-silence between friends : is understanding.
-silence between enemies : is a postponement for the battle.
I can give you hundreds of meanings but we can dispense with all of that is you really felt all of these.
I'm saying it is just not fair to think that this word has only one meaning in all minds, in all states , this is limitless somehow.
.-so a word is broader than its alphabets as it can bring hundreds of meanings but it still limited , the silence or the non-word isn't superficial ,it is limitless But beside the word and the non -word , there is the meditation
when you meditate, there is no spoken words, no tones comin out, no tongue movement, so when you meditate, there is silence , a fake one.You scream , you ask, your heart talks, you mind wonder, things around you answer , you hear other voices, you speak other languages, you use other frames, other senses, you read codes clearly, you translate thing's silence, you run , you shoot, and you get peace, you reach a settlement between a heart and a mind.
so don't you dare telling me it is actually silence.

-I know your question now, so silence isn't really exist after all?
-I'm telling you is a fake truth , a truth that isn't really there.

so the last step now arrange the three words as you want let the meditation be the middle, or let it be the last , let it be beyond the limitless, it is an answer you have to make yourself provided that , you must judge yourself according to its position.
Let it be the middle, then you chose it to be limited with a limitless view. now you chose it to be a non-toned spoken word.
If it was the last you chose it to be unspoken-toned word. Am i crazy? I can say Yes.   

A new improved me

If you were a friend of mine , you would probably heard from me this statement over and over and nothing changed at least nothing worthwhile!! .but that doesn't mean i will quit saying these words any day soon , but it does mean that, the magical effect of my words on your ears may be less and it is OK !!..cause i find the challenge actually the pleasure of challenge in making the tone rougher, in making the effect reach your heart as it belongs, I say these words and i don't know how to finish this article, but i do put all my feelings wishing something good may come out of it !!...I'm being honest and that what counts ...I've lived for too long I'm 18 but i do have this feeling main thought that i want to know everything i mean everything when i reach like 80 i will defiantly start to write my whole autobiography or typing it cause i think there won't be any pens then :)..i want to find plenty of stuffs to write down ..I'm so ambitious !!. Our English teacher put that article in our English exam to translate it, it was explaining how Over-ambition can be useless and maybe dangerous ..I thought for awhile it lingered me for days. Am i really over-ambitious ?..and whom can i ask this question? Is it someone who conquered the world or someone who is absolutely satisfied to be an ordinary employee ...why to ask if i can predict both answers?...And i found this out , I may not reach all my ambitions but over-ambitions can drove me ahead to something good less but still good it can be an ambition of another one !!...i went to high school well i can say when i was there ( cause i finished it; 2 months ago ) i wasn't the best.I wasn't the second best but I can say i was different and it is OK for a start ....I wasn't one of the crew and i wasn't that someone whose name is neither forgettable nor my tiny movements ...back to my point It is OK to not believe my words , when i say i want to make something , i will make something, i want to leave my fingerprints, i want them to be clear,, (why them and all the fingerprints is the same?)...i will print them in more than an aspect i will use my talent in aspect and use my hard work in another is too short to waste it and I'm starting using it NOW ...HERE!!

and hold this in your mind as a PROMISE .

In Somalia ....I wonder

-You know what is bothering me the most amongst all the political and social issues, that I've always had this belief about how everything is so clear by everything i mean GOOD,RIGHT,VOID, and WRONG.
How a mistake is so clear , how people who commit crimes are known, and the way to fix anything is not so hard not (bumpy) if that was the word!.

-What bothers me the most , that I've lost this belief and believe me it is not good for one  to lose a single belief, this just threaten others you have.
I've lost this belief . or the major part of it at least , i have found exceptions , i hate  exceptions it makes you over-think like it isn't enough to reach out the norm itself !.

-In every single situation , in Syria , in Iraq, in Lebanon , in Egypt
we at least know who is good and who is being unfair , this can at least gives us a clue about how everything ends.
But what is happening in Somalia is the exception I've always hated
,, people are dying there OK? whose fault is this?.

-Before you answer , just think again, but don't take too long thinking , because in your rethinking period there is at least a boy or a girl whom you killed by taking so long time.Back to my point
-Whose fault is this? ..who can we blame?..the nature
Einstein biggest ques. ever was. Before anything we can put in our mind we must ask ourselves Is this a friendly universe?..
I'm giving yes as an answer , we can't blame the universe , the nature. I have no body to blame for starting this, but i blame every single person for not ending this disaster.
but blaming isn't leading us anywhere yet i blame badly .

-Have you seen the pics.?.
Have you seen it?
Is there any more painful death than starving to death..than thirst to death ?...screaming to death? crying , complaining to death? so slow,  so painful.
I wish I could give them my dish ..I wish I shared starvation, they can starve at day and me at night.
But wishing isn't leading us anywhere either.
what can I do beside blaming and wishing and praying?.
but I'll figure out something soon enough..

(After 45 min.)
O.k I have this idea now .I persuaded my mother to make all the donations this year to Somalia. Don't underestimate this cause I begged her . she wanted to give it to help people dying from cancer. I'm sorry children to ask this,but you should share to by forgiving me .
Have you started thinking Or what?!.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Criticism (1)

For those who don't listen
-I hate that !!...TRULY
-I hate when i ask my teacher something , and he start to give me tons of proofs about a completely different thing ..
So i repeat my questions as a comment on this wrong-aimed proofs ( Although they don't fit..unlinked...have nothing to do with each other)..
and he replay : YEA , YEA ..I know .I'm saying ............(The same exact words).........
-I swear there were times i wanted to say loudly : Actually, No you don't know what I'm talking about !!
I want those to doubt their over-knowledge for a while and listen ..
You will be surprised as deep as me to finally know that you know what I'm talking about..
For those who don't listen (Just take the easy way and listen )..

For those who work in publicity , and whose job is to think about the ideas of
-It became a disaster , the commercials i mean
- the songs, the music, the ideas , ALL OF THEM are stupid
-I know that most people haven't noticed that until this min., how to notice?
and there was this action or romantic movie running, then its feelings lingers them during
the break , so they can't notice how stupid the commercials are ..and i do believe that
nobody will see those after or before the movie..
..But i do noticed ,
-1. Oxi-one...''El 7ayah ba2a lonha Oxi'' Huh?
whose brilliant idea is this ?...what is this statement means anyway?!
and can anybody tell me what is smart enzymes?!
for whom this commercial?.

2-Have you noticed that the hair, the skin , the toothpaste commercials are all fake?
in any hair commercial, why the girl has to be so beautiful ? it is giving the wrong message
why the girl has to got those white teeth , this pure soft skin?
it is so damn obvious that girl was born beautiful...or she is doing all the surgeries to reach this !!
why don't they choose a yellow skin or sun-tanned skin for hair commercials?
why the girl with pure skin has those bright white teeth?..

3-In some channels like ''MELODY"..there are too many commercials , away too many
If any friend of mine told me that the new Ahmed-helmy movie is coming on melody tonight for the first time, i would say Wow , i will have to wait it to be the 8 or 9 time to actually can see it ( with little number of commercials)
- Never see the movie in it first time coming out , they are using us REALLY!!

4- And by the way , i think if any company invest its money in those channels (with too many commercials), they are just being crazy ..why? Simply because people will see something else in the mean time i mean in the 30 or 45 min. of commercials
-Never invest your money by publicizing in those channels !!..

When they were leading us

I can't think of a better title for this. When they were trying to lead us , they mislead us.
Facebook, I can almost swear that everyone now has a clue about what is facebook all about.
I can almost swear that i will find some people don't now who is the minster of any ministry in his/her own country, yet he/she can use the facebook easily.
it became so popular, so common, it made it so easy to chat with people all over the world , to find your friends , to find people with the same attitude, with the same experience.
Yet I'm talking now about the unreal life it is giving so easy.

-About (LIKE) thing under each status , each page , each group , each comment there is this word -like-.
I'm so furious of this like thing .
when i wrote i feel so bored..any ideas?.., i found a like
so he/she liked that I'm so bored, or liked the idea that I'm asking for ideas. OK whatever.

-when my friend wrote on the wall of my other friend : Are you at home ,I'm trying to reach you, Call me when you read this. I found a third friend's like! confusing sa7?.

-i can say that people don't get the whole idea of like thing,, let me say this if you pressed like this actually means that you liked what was writen , you liked an activity , you liked a saying , a quote, a joke ....It dosesn't mean that you saw the comment ..i see that people like the status before reading the rest of ot and as a proof i had to have when i'm telling you this , it wasn't an accident . I wrote as a status (D..L..k)...i don't even know what are those alphabets and they aren't refering to anything i know at least!.
so in 48 hours i got 12 likes..LOL!!

-that was people acts towards this like thing , but to whom who made this whole thing?..what is like thing all about? if i liked a friend's activity let me write that i liked it.
if someone liked mine , let them tell me that with reasons .
see, when there were trying to make it so easy , they made it so hard for people to not like something , to have a distinct opinion .

- i won't like anything from now , i will make them know that i read it the whole of it ,and i had this moment thinking about it before i bothered myself posting a comment.