Wednesday, November 2, 2011

an Admission

-I replied : At least I know all the bad attitudes within me.
Hold on here, people are not getting it, they are really don't get it, that I can be whatever degree of hypocrisy I want to be, whatever angel I choose, that I can choose whatever  permanent face over my face.
I can't get it, people are asking others to be honest , and they are not ready for this kind of honesty.
At least I show all people all bad attitudes at the beginning , OK I always hear how Aggressive I'm.
how crazy and mad and whatever word explain my impatience and my rush.
At first I didn't mind being famous with that, cause I actually had the courage to change every person's thought.
but numbers are getting bigger, with less patience .
If you know me, I may seem little pushy, and crazy. But actually I'm far away from being crazy!
Define craziness.

Define a crazy girl.
I can't explain to people every single reaction I do for every single action I experience in every single day.
I can't discuss backgrounds of every single decision I made telling them  whatever personal and environmental factors I took this decision in.
I can't convince every single person of my view, my story, as I see it, from my side.. so I smile when someone tells me how crazy and rush I'm.
-For whoever reads this, U should know that I'm not that craziness, and I am not that stupid I accept to be in front of them.
They say that in any country in the world , if the smart admit how smart he is . then he is actually stupid . And I'm saying that if the wise experienced girl confessed how wise and controllable she really is then she is not that wise. so why writing this?! cause I probably not going to meet you any time soon.
-For whoever reads this, U should know that I only have different view, different prospects , different standards.

-For whoever reads this keep in mind , in every single situations , I have my reasons for doing whatever I did or will do.


  1. I've never thought of you as a crazy. Quite the opposite actually, I see you as a mature young lady whom I admire. Some craziness to let you have fun and not care what others think is completely harmless. Whatever people call you, know that they'd never appreciate or fully know what you've been through.

  2. Hudaz, I admire you more, Totally.
    Whenever anyone deals with me, and see any single reaction who she or he didn't expect , they tend to call me Crazy, or even worse immature.
    I hate being judged at with this limited immature view. Huda thanks! I appreciate u totally walahi

  3. عاقل جدا لدرجة إن الناس فاهمه إني مجنون .... أو مجنون جدا لدرجة إني فاهم إني عاقل

    So wise that people think I'm actually crazy, Or so crazy that I think I'm actually wise.


  4. Hey, nice blog, was a nice-read article (and articles). Inspiring :)
