Thursday, February 16, 2012


-A great deal of nothing goin on within me, it gets wider this nothing thing, something wrong is happening, or at least not in its proper place, disorder is a wrong form too!
-It is dark, engulfing everything it faces, everything falls in this abyss, gets dissolved, changes in to nothing which in turn widen the nothing abyss, memories, feelings, hate, love, all fall equally,with the same speed,transform to the same nothing thing,
Nothing-abysses are the most dangerours, you can't fight what you don't see, you can't fight what you don't hear. You can't end something you have no clue what started it, you are allowed to guess,whether your guessing becomes a series of repeated disappointments,Or continuous pain that turned in to familiarity.
but guessing isn't enough, is it?.No,not when you are dealing with something that is literally taking your life away from you.
All people can live with tragedies, strong people deal with them,and live happily though.but living with a nothing-hole in your soul that can turn anybody into nobody, is not that easy, Is impossible!


  1. Well said! I utterly concur with you; all folks live with tragedies but only few who manage to coexist with them. None is living in a bed of roses, whether poor or rich. The problem is that some people try to forget, disregard or even deny their tragedies, bringing their lives to an impasse.

  2. Thumbs up, Aya! Your “NOTHING” post is nothing short of amazing. Your words are wonderfully mellow and have a soothing quality. Your colorful language gives me a sense of the world in which you live. If it is of any consolation to you, I can tell that having “NOTHING” in the maze of this coarse life is better than having a troublesome thing. When bothersome things happen, and frequently they do, you will have nothing to worry about. Aya, you are such an awesome writer with a good head on your shoulders. So keep the ball rolling!!!

  3. WoW.....Love the Idea..way to Go (Y)
