Friday, December 16, 2011


-Between the said and the non-said words lies thousands of vigorous conflicts, that you can't handle, you can't ignore, you can't help but to give up, each time you will try to wage a battle against those which you consider a non-desirable mind trash, they will grow, leaving deeper scars, bringing other conflicts , lessen the gap between their occurrence too.
Then you seem to have found a way when you give up, to realize now that giving up is not the end,don't solve anything, just another way to make things worse,and realize that you must give up giving up.
what to do? I wish I could answer! but there is a reason I labeled it as Endless issues!


  1. Just great, although It's quite mysterious, but I liked the idea; to give up giving up :)
    It's time to study then :P

  2. I really like the statement "give up giving up". Issues will always keep coming though, even when you solve them. So, the title is perfect :)
