Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Nobody waits

OK, you must get it, people fall all the time, stop felling pity, stop being paranoid, nobody is waiting for you to hold your hand, tough world here, stop waiting for prince charming to get you out your misery, he won't come, nobody will, no time for you to procrastinate , to feel like you are worth-waiting , well you are not, nobody is.
Your slump?, too bad that nobody cares, bad memories? so deal with them, it is moving can't you see? Stand up now. Jump. Find yourself a place among all the crowd, later you will have much time to cry over your wounds, you will find a shoulder to lean on, to cry on, to feel the humanity through it, your own humanity, Not fair? who said it was, it never was, it never will.
I did said later, didn't I?, not now , far later.
Move ahead now, the last beep, can't you hear?!, No, no other chances to reach there , a long trip but you will reach eventually, Me? Too late for me, I wasted too long, I asked too many questions, No one waited, You, be worth-waiting. Know a lot. Find your track, Don't cry over anything now, they won't wait, it is just the way things are, too many people fell already , don't be one, now RUN RUN, remember don't fall. don't be one.



  1. I feel like this is a story from my life told through your words… very heart touching! I know it is hard to be alone with no one to help you make your dark nights brighter, one to whom you can speak out your worries and ordeals, no one who can be the shoulder to rely on, or the rock that you might count on when in need. However, these hardships, afflictions or the ups and downs and can make out of us self-made persons. Anyway, I became somewhat addicted to read your articles. Your thoughts always touch me the most as if they are mine expressed via your own words. I hope this will not bother you in anyway whatsoever. Wish you a cheerful, trouble-free life.

  2. Couldn't agree more! Life is too short to spend it crying and complaining. If your life isn't the way you wanted it to be, then make it! No one else can and no one else will. No one will ever believe in you more than YOURSELF! Once again, you hit the right cord. Thumbs up!
